Hello, I’m


1  const DOB = process.env.DOB;
2  class Person {
3      constructor() {
4        this.name = "Daniel Komolafe";
5        this.traits = ["DEV", "CREATE", "WRITE"];
6        this.age = new Date().getFullYear() - DOB;
7      }
8  }

Things I love 


I enjoy frontend development and love to work with React.JS, Next.JS as well as pure HTML, CSS and JS.


I seem to focus on the backend for now and how I love to work with Node.JS, Express.JS, tRPC and RESTful APIs!

Blockchain | Solidity

I'm always awed by the possibilities of blockchain technology. Decentralization, autonomy... Of course, I love it.


Web, mobile, desktop apps, a single language for frontend and backend. I mean, you get the reason I love JavaScript.


JavaScript with type checking and type safety. Sight errors fast before production. Sign me up, please!

About Me

Hi, I'm Daniel Komolafe, a passionate web developer that specializes in Full Stack and Blockchain development from Nigeria, currently working at Packachange as a FrontEnd engineer. I'm a MERN (ReactJS / ExpressJS) developer with a proven history of exploiting the ReactJS and ExpressJS frameworks and modern technologies to consistently provide individuals and businesses with large, reliable, scalable and end-user friendly web applications serving tons of users across the globe.

I also love working with startups. Being part of something that would scale into a fortune 500 gives me a sense of achievement and impact.

“Without ideas, there would be no creativity.“

- daniel komolafe

“Learn through the process and not just go through it. If you don't, you'll go through it repeatedly till you learn.“

- daniel komolafe

“After the fight, keep the medal.”

- daniel komolafe

My Skill set




Tailwind CSS








Side Projects


Scholarly is a Learning Management System, LMS built with the MERN stack (ReactJS, NextJS ExpressJS, NodeJS and MongoDB). It uses Stripe for payments as well as Stripe Connect to create a subscription and payment account profile for instructors, AWS S3 for storage and SES for emails. I decided to try my hands on a site like Udemy, Coursera and Klas and personalise the experience which the developers had when working on these sites, which have scaled into big businesses. Scholarly might one day grow into a startup, Who knows? The repository is private to prevent exposing API keys. Login details ==> komozy2000@gmail.com, danielkomolafe


A web 3.0 NFT collection app built with React and Thirdweb.


And here comes my blog. A MERN stack + Next.JS SEO Multi User Blogging Platform Frontend. Similar to Medium, Connvei gives its users the liberty of writing blogs, posting content, read, learn and grow. The repository is private.

Amazon Clone

The Amazon Clone with full functionality including payments processing with Material UI Library, React Context API and Stripe.


A ReactJs E-Commerce store. A JavaScript implementation of techx (which I built in PHP). It uses React COntext API for state management.


A ReactJs multipage website with styled components. Fully responsive.

Lottery Blockchain

A lottery app built on the blockchain. Players enter into the lottery with a minimum amount of ether and a winner is picked by the manager of the lottery contract.

XYZ Logistics API

XYZ Logistics API is one of the projects I worked on during my Backend Engineering internship at Acumen Digital. It models a company, XYZ moving their logistics services to a digital platform. Built in ExpressJS, Google Maps API, Flutterwave payment integration.

StudentPaddy API

StudentPaddy API is the complete backend to a student community app that connects all students across several colleges and universities. A social media + educational app. Built in ExpressJS, MongoDB for database.

Javascript Libraries


The minesweeper game in ReactJS. Includes a timer, score tracker.


Smartis.js is CanvasAPI Rendering Toolkit Library. Candy.js's methods and functions highly inspire Smartis.js. But it is more geared towards simplicity and utility functions.

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